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Gary Player Course, Sun City, South Africa

Sun City – African fantasies

The ‘legend’ of The Lost City is that before the dawn of western civilization a tribe from northern Africa brought their mighty architecture to a

Golf Travel

Pack your Golf Bag & Go Explore

Assoufid Golf Club, Marrakech, Morocco

The pinnacle of luxury

As you follow the highway southwest of Marrakech the landscape is predominantly flat, not unlike what you would see on the plains of the US

Links of Cornwall

Links of Cornwall

How do the links courses of southwest England compare to those of Scotland and Ireland? If you’re used to ordering haggis or black pudding after

Amelkis Golf Club, Marrakech, Morocco

Tough times for “old” clubs

Today we headed to one of the “older” golf clubs in Marrakech, Amelkis Golf Club, which first opened in 1995. Eons ago in Marrakech golf

Bully Pulpit Golf Course, Medora, North Dakota, USA

Bully Pulpit – Golf in the Badlands

Bully Pulpit doesn’t have Southern California weather, nor does it have an ocean view. But you’d be hard-pressed to find a more beautiful and challenging

Our Columnists


Saare Golf Course, Estonia

Bermuda or billions

My all-boys secondary school recently held a reunion to celebrate “Forty Years On”. Thanks to the internet, nearly everyone was traced and, somewhat surprisingly, most

PGA Catalunya 3rd hole with hole 11 across the lake

Ireland’s Premier Golf Nut

If you ever go across the sea to Ireland, look out for my good friend Ivan Morris. Here’s a man who is so incredibly steeped

